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April 4, 1968 . . .

And, "still I (we) rise" . . .

​​On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.  For his friend, Dr. Maya Angelou, his loss was uniquely personal.  He'd asked her to join him for a month-long national tour to rally support for his upcoming Poor People's Campaign.  They would ask preachers to give one Sunday's collection to help fund tent cities for the ultimate sit-in: demonstrators nationwide would travel to Washington, DC and remain until Congress passed a suitable anti-poverty bill (and budget).  "I said yes," Dr. Angelou recalls in this episode of Oprah's Master Class.  "The only thing, I said, 'I will go, but I will not go until after my birthday,'"  Born April 4, 1928, Dr. King was assassinated on her ​40th birthday.   

Here's her remembrance

source: Oprah's Master Class 
Aired on 01/04/2015 

Click here for the full text of this tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day who "raised" me when I needed him most.